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How The Jumping Back Kick Works Best From The Inside Range According To Raymond Daniels


Throwing kicks from the inside range takes a lot of skill. Throwing a jumping back from the inside is a great skill to have as most people will not be able to see it coming. 

Raymond Daniels is widely regarded as one of the best Karate style practitioners today. Having success in Karate, Kickboxing, and now MMA. He has multiple highlight reel knockouts with spinning back kicks, wheel kicks, and two touch back kicks. Which are very difficult to pull off. He is one leading expert in the world when it comes to that style. Raymond Daniels has a system in which he categorizes ranges of fighting as dimensions. To learn this drill start with the positioning first and landing the feet in the perfect position and once that feels comfortable and you have the movement that last thing to add will be the kick


Why Learn The 3rd Dimension Back Kick

  • Raymond Daniels says the third dimension spin kick is his favorite spin kick because It's a jumping back kick from a closed distance. This kick is Raymond Daniels favorite kick because you can throw it while the opponent tries to jam you up and close the distance or if you are trying to throw punches which will put you in closer range then followed by that kick

    • It's versatility is that you can do it from such a close range or you can create space with it. 

    • Another reason Raymond Daniels likes the Dimension 3 is because it's the most powerful kick in combat sports.

      The Mechanics And Steps Of Throwing The Kick

      • The stance to be prepared to throw that kick is in a bladed stance mixed with a low stance and knee bent position and the back heel is raised. A bladed stance will be both feet are on the pivot inwards and on the same line. Toe and heel aligned at the opponent's center line and the shoulders are aligned, only showing half of your body.

        • To start the kick you pull the front leg back and switch it with the back leg. Make sure when you land the toes look forward and the feet are in an A position and not pivoted too much or toes turned inward. If the toes are inwards then the hip will open more than needed and rotate more and fall off balance.

          • With that same explosive switching feet motion Raymond swings his arms with momentum to create torque and also engage the core; it's the same as some fighters would do in a round kick and swinging arms to create that momentum.

            • While swinging the arms and torso the head is also switching at the same time while keeping the eyes in the opponent. At the end of the position you will look over the opposite shoulder and slightly lean back to avoid punches while staying behind that shoulder. If you look under the shoulder the posture for the back kick collapses and you lose the kick.

              • As the front foot switches and hits the floor the back leg is hitting the opponent in the same exact moment. As you kick the goal is to transfer that power and torque all towards the opponent. 

                • After the kick lands you will land with a cross step into the opposite stance and maintain distance with hands in a fighting position and keeping a good stance

                The Art of The Spin Kick Volume 1 by Raymond Daniels

                If you are looking to add dynamic striking strategies to your arsenal look no further than Raymond Daniels and his top-tier instructional "The Art Of The Spin Kick Volume 1"!

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